The Maritime Makers List / Skipsfartens Innkjøpsbok 2022
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Detailed information on:
- Norwegian suppliers/ importers/ exporters/ producers of products and servicesfor the shipping and offshore industry.
- Product groups and -services.
- The exporters foreign representatives world-wide.
- Foreign producers represented.
- Trade marks distributed.
- Detailed cross references.
- The suppliers own pamphlets and technical drafts.
PRICE: NOK 1500 ex. VAT (equal to EUR 151 / USD 174 - 2021.11.14)
By ordering a link for "Download" of the directory would be sent you by a separate e-mail.
By saving this file and open it from your PC you will get access to:
- Advanced indexes.
- Advanced search options through the hole contents.
- All webaddresses are activated - you can go directly from the Shipyards main sites to their websites.
- All mailaddresses are activated - you can send e-mails directly
The 2022 edition of the directory was published in December 2021. The next edition would be published in December 2022.